Leaf Paintings
For years, I realized that I look down at my feet when I am out on walks. I am noticing the way the leaves randomly lie on a sidewalk or path. The unplanned, accidental positions that occur, the color combinations that happen and the patterns they create due to their haphazard placements intrigue me and pull me to look closer. I always feel that I am seeing a painting ready to be made.
3-D Portraits
I started thinking about people close to me who have died. Family members, a favorite friend, a special dog that had passed away years ago. Distance from their deaths made my memories of them sweet rather than painful. Memories like little anecdotal pictures emerged in my mind. Their brief but specific references to place and time took the form of story-like mini structures. I moved from memories of the past to thoughts of people and places who are very much alive, hoping again to construct a kind of three dimensional snapshot.